Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Forgot to post this one! - oops!

Dear Sweet Baby M,

We are all getting so excited to meet you! You have begun to kick and punch and wiggle around inside of me and I absolutely love the feeling! We will be moving back to Indiana in just a few short days and we can not wait to start a nursery for you! We got you a beautiful crib that is a deep brown wood and just gorgeous! I will be painting my old dresser white for you to use and we got you a brand new rocking chair that is chocolate brown to match your crib! I hope to add some purple and pink to make it all girly for you just like your sister's room! Speaking of your sister, she loves to play in your crib! She also loves to pick out stuffed animals for you and to let me know which of her toys she will be sharing with you! She also picked out a cute outfit for us to put you in on your way home from the hospital. We of course already got 'little sister' and 'big sister' shirts for you both! Can't wait for the day you can wear yours!

Love, Mommy, Daddy and Carolina!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

We have our name -

So you can take your thinking caps off :)

We are not sharing, at least not now..but it is pretty popular so you could probably guess what it is if you tried - and no it does not being with an "A".

Excited to meet our girl in 20 weeks or less!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Today's the Day!

I will keep everyone posted as soon as we know! I can't believe how many people have voted 'boy'! Ha!

UPDATE: Everyone was WRONG!!! It's a GIRL! More pink for the St. Charles'! Carolina is so excited to have a baby sister :)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


We can't wait! Just 8 days until we find out the sex :) Yippee!!!!