Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We have arrived in Pittsburgh!

We have been getting settled in over the past week and think we have found a daycare and some kids in the neighbhorhood for Carolina to play with!

We were happily greeted 2 nights ago by 3 little kids at our front door with a plate of cookies to welcome us to the neighborhood! They then invited us for pizza and a playdate last night. Carolina got to play with Emelio, Maggie and Corina for 2 hours and could not have been happier to see children and socialize!

So far, so good, from Pittsburgh!

Here are some photos of the peanut loving her new potty!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

There has been a lot of one on one time over the last few days! It has been challenging, given the cold weather and inability to play outdoors, but we have made the most of it and all had a lot of fun! We have colored, played with our new chalkboard, played in the snow, and recovered from our sickness. Now it's back to reality! Big changes ahead. We are all so excited for our new adventures to come in 2010. Happy New Year to Everyone! We hope to be able to spend lots of time with family and friends this year!